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Study of the neighborhood of the nodes


In a graph, the neighbours of a node consist in the set of nodes that are connected to this node up to a certain distance, i.e., the number of steps between the source node and its neighbours. In weighted graphs, one can also consider the neighbours up to a certain maximal weight.

In the following, we will refer to the node for which we search the neighbours the seed node.

According to the type of graph, it might be interesting to retrieve the neighbours of the nodes in a graph.

For example, in protein-protein interaction network, the function of the neighbours of a protein whose biological role is unknown might give insights in the function of the protein. Moreover, in interaction graphs, if a group of neighbours have similar biological functions, they are likely to form a structural complex.

In co-regulation networks, where each node is a gene and an edge between two genes means that those genes are co-regulated (i.e. co-repressed and co-expressed), exploring the neighbours of the nodes may help in the discovery of new regulons.

In the following, we will illustrate the study of nodes neighborhood by looking for neighbours of some orphan proteins (i.e. protein of unknown function) in a protein protein interaction network. We will then look if the neighbours of these proteins present similar functions.

Analysis of the neighbours of orphan nodes in an interaction protein network

Study case

In this demonstration, we will analyze the neighbours of the orphan nodes of the Gavin et al (2006) interaction data set. These interaction data were obtained by co-immunoprecipitation followed by a mass spectrometry experiment in order to discover structural protein complexes. [10]. This network contains 6531 interactions between 1430 proteins.

We will then compare these groups of neighbours with functionnal classes of proteins annotated in the MIPS [23] in order to detect if the groups of neighbours present a significatively high number of co-regulated proteins.

Protocol for the web server

  1. In the NeATmenu, select the command get node neighborhood.

    In the right panel, you should now see a form entitled ``graph-neighbours''.

  2. Go on the demo dataset download web page. and download the files, and on your computer.

  3. In the Upload graph from file text area, load the file you just downloaded.
  4. Uncheck Include each node in its neighborhood (with a distance of zero)
  5. Check the radio-button Node selection in the seed node part of the form
  6. In the Upload seed nodes from file text area, load the file you just downloaded.
  7. Click on the button GO.

    The computation should take less than one minute.

    The result page should display the results in the tab-delimited or HTML format. These files will be described in the section Interpretation of the results

  8. We will now see if the different groups of neighbours contain a significantly high number of proteins of similar function. To this, we will compare the groups of neighbours we just obtained with annotated groups of proteins, e.g., the genes annotated according to the gene ontology [4] or, in this example, according to the functionnal classes of the MIPS [23]. In the Next step pannel, click on the button Compare the groups of neighbours.

    You are redirected to the form of another program compare-classes that allows to compare two class files (the query file and the reference file). Each class of a query file is compared to each class of a reference file. The number of common elements is reported, as well as the probability to observe at least this number of common elements by chance alone. The query classes are already loaded and consist in the different groups of neighbours we discovered previously with graph-neighbours.

  9. In the Upload reference classes from file text area, load the file downloaded in the first part of this tutorial. The classes files are two column files, the first column contains the elements and the second column the class to which the elements belong. Elements may belong to more than one class.

  10. The default paramaters are sufficient. We will only keep the comparison presenting a significance higher than 0.

  11. Click on the button GO.

  12. You obtain the links to the result file in the tab-delimited format or in the HTML format. The obtained results will be described in the next section.

Protocol for the command-line tools

If you have installed a stand-alone version of the NeAT distribution, you can use the program graph-neighbours on the command-line. This requires to be familiar with the Unix shell interface. If you don't have the stand-alone tools, you can skip this section and read the next section (Interpretation of the results).

We will now describe the use of graph-neighbours as a command line tool. The Gavin et al (2006) [10] co-immunoprecipitation dataset described in the previous section and the other files necessary for this tutorial may be downloaded at the following address (, and

  1. The first step consist in applying graph-neighbours on the co-immunoprecipitation dataset. To this, go into the directory where you downloaded the files, and use this command.

    	graph-neighbours -v 1 -i \ 
    			 -seedf \
    The file is created and contains for each node of the seed file the list of its direct neighbours, i.e., for each protein, the list of proteins that co-precipitated with it.

  2. In the second step, we will compare these groups of neighbours to different groups of annotated proteins in order to discover if the groups of neighbours do contain a significatively high number of proteins of similar functions. This will give insights into the function of the orphans proteins used as seed nodes in the first step. To this, we will use the RSAT compare-classes program that allows to compare two class files (the query file and the reference file) (see previous section or the RSAT tutorial for a more complete description of compare-classes). Use the following command to compare the two files.

    			compare-classes -v 1 \
    			-q -r \
    			-sort sig -return proba,occ,jac_sim \
    			-o -lth sig 0
We obtain a file containing the significant comparaison results. We will discuss it in the following section (interpretation of the results).

Interpretation of the results

graph-neighbours result file

According to the requested level of verbosity, the result file may first contain several lines (starting with ``#'' or ``;''). These deliver some information about the analysed graph (number of nodes, edges, seed nodes, ...). The results are then displayed in four columns.

  1. Name of the neighbour.
  2. Name of the seed node (for which the neighbours are seeked in the graph).
  3. Distance between the seed node and its neighbour (number of steps).
  4. The last column, only relevant for directed graph, indicate whether the arc between the seed node and its neighbour is an out- or an in-going arc.

This file can be considered as a class file (see above for a more complete description) with the name of the neighbour being the member (first column) and the name of the seed node, the name of the class (second column).

compare-classes result file

The result of the comparaison between the groups of neighbours and the MIPS annotated classes are displayed in a multi-column file sorted by decreasing order of significance. When looking at the HTML version of the file, you may click on the header on the column to sort the table according to this field.

Each line displays the comparaison between a MIPS annotated class (reference class) and a group of neighbours (query class). What we want to know is if there is a significatively high number of members of the same MIPS class in a given group of neighours.

Considering the file, we can observe that 7 seed nodes (on the 46) have a group of neighbours presenting a similar function. For example, 9 out of the 10 neighbours of the Yil161w protein (interacting with this protein) have their function related to ribosome biogenesis and 8 out of 10 neigbours are located in the cytoplasm. This may indicate that this protein may also be implied in ribosome biogenesis

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RSAT 2009-09-04