RSAT - retrieve variation sequence

Given a set of polymorphic variations, dbSNP IDs or varBed variants file, retrieve the corresponding variants and their flanking sequences. Optionally, the user can input a set of genomic coordinates in bed format, and the tool will retrieve dbSNP annotated variants within them, together with their flanking sequences. The output of this tool can then be used in variation-scan to assess the impact of genetic variants on trasncription factor binding sites.

Locally installed variants were directly downloaded from ensembl, specific versions for each installed genome can be consulted here, updates can be done on demand.

Conceptionc, implementationi and testingt: Jacques van Heldencit , Alejandra Medina-Riveracit , Walter Santanacit , Jeremy Delerceci

Sorry, this tool is not compatible with the organisms supported on this server.